Code question

  • Thread starter Afrosheen via
  • Start date

Afrosheen via

Thanks for reading this post. It's really appreciated.

I have a form that has a "backup" command button.
The complete code is below. It is at line 60 where my question is. What I
want to do is to backup another database. It is separate from the one this
form/database uses.

I was wondering if I could use:
strcopyfile = f:\db2 & "\Copy of " & f:\db2

Private Sub cmdtoggle_Click()
Dim strSQL
Dim strcopyfile, strSQL1 As String
On Error GoTo cmdtoggle_Click_Error

10 strSQL1 = "Update tblbackup set tblbackup.fcopy = False"
20 CurrentDb.Execute strSQL1, dbFailOnError

' *** Save the backup date ***
40 strSQL = "UPDATE tblbackup SET tblbackup.bkdate = now()"
50 CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

-----> '*** Defines the Backup Name ***
-----> 60 strcopyfile = CurrentProject.Path & "\Copy of " &

'*** Checks to see if there is a back up. If so then
deletes it ***
70 If Len(Dir(strcopyfile)) > 0 Then
80 Kill strcopyfile
90 End If

'*** Makes a backup copy & closes the frmBKBox ***
100 fMakeBackup
110 Me.Parent.ENTERBUTTON.SetFocus
120 Forms("frmPersonnel_Menu")!frmbkbox.Visible = False

130 Exit Sub

On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub

Err.Description = Err.Description & " In Procedure " & "cmdtoggle_Click
of VBA Document Form_frmBkBox"
Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, "cmdtoggle_Click")

End Sub

Tom van Stiphout

On Mon, 02 Nov 2009 15:48:59 GMT, "Afrosheen via"

If I understand you correctly, that's a curious question. Let's say
that it worked, and strCopyFile would then be (ignoring syntax errors
for a moment):
f:\db2\Copy of f:\db2
Clearly that's not a legal file name. Just try renaming any test file
to this name.

OTOH, line 60 looks OK to me. What's wrong with it?

Microsoft Access MVP

Afrosheen via

Thanks Tom for your reply.
I'll change the database name to something other than db2.
For calcification, the program works as is. It makes a copy of it self called
Copy of xyz while it is in the program.

What I want it to do is say the database name is called TurboTable. It is
located on C:\ drive. I have another table called Loader. The loader database
has a button on it called Save. Since it is not recommended to do backups
while in the table, I want the loader program/button to make a backup outside
of the file TurboTable.

I thought line 60 was the key.

The people I'm dealing with are kinda computer challenged when it comes to
backups. I would like to eventually be able to put it on a flash drive so
when the "real" computer person has to reinstall the computer he won't loose
the program.

If I understand you correctly, that's a curious question. Let's say
that it worked, and strCopyFile would then be (ignoring syntax errors
for a moment):
f:\db2\Copy of f:\db2
Clearly that's not a legal file name. Just try renaming any test file
to this name.

OTOH, line 60 looks OK to me. What's wrong with it?

Microsoft Access MVP
Thanks for reading this post. It's really appreciated.
[quoted text clipped - 44 lines]

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