Code to show/hide sheet to asterisk the password


Newman Emanouel

Hello all

I need some help with some code. I found the follwoing code on the web and
thank you to the author it works well, but there is a problem in that it
shows the password as you type it in, increasing the risk of people breaking
the code. Is there a way that the input in the password box can be asterisk
out and not shown as the user is typing it in

Const pWord = "password"

Sub HideSheets()
'Set worksheet to Very Hidden so that it can only be unhidden by a macro
Worksheets("Salary").Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
End Sub

Sub ShowSheets()

'Prompt the user for a password and unhide the worksheet if correct
Select Case InputBox("Please enter the password to unhide the sheet", _
"Enter Password")

Case Is = pWord
With Worksheets("Salary")
.Visible = xlSheetVisible
End With
Case Else
MsgBox "Sorry, that password is incorrect!", _
vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "You are not authorized!"
End Select
End Sub



Jean-Yves TFELT

Hi Emanouel,

Use a form with a textbox and set the textbox property PasswordChar to *
This cannot be achieved with an inputbox.


Jean-Yves TFELT

Hi Mike,

Nice Api call ! IMHO a bit complicated for novice when a textbox already
has this property.
Kind Regards

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