Com Add-In for multiple versions



I currently have a HUGE Word template full of macros. I'm attempting to
create Com Add Ins for it. So far I managed to get what I need but I have
one little snag. I am currently running Office 2003. Some of the people
who will be using the add-in are currently using Office 2000. I have a
couple of questions.

1. Does anyone know of a way to perhaps make the add-in version
independent. Currently I have to set a reference. (I did the sample from

2. If it cannot be version independent, can two versions of Word be run on
the same machine? I would need the additional libraries for referencing. I
am assuming (?) that I would have to write two different add-in's, one for
each version.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Suzette,
1. Does anyone know of a way to perhaps make the add-in version
independent. Currently I have to set a reference. (I did the sample from
You can use Late Binding (declare everything as Object and use values instead of wdEnums.
2. If it cannot be version independent, can two versions of Word be run on
the same machine? I would need the additional libraries for referencing. I
am assuming (?) that I would have to write two different add-in's, one for
each version.
You can do this, but the installation should (usually) be in the order of oldest version
first, newest version last. You might consider purchasing and installing something like
VMWare or VPC in order to create virtual machines. That way you can have exactly the
development/testing environments you need.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply in the
newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Hello Suzette,

Suzette said:
I currently have a HUGE Word template full of macros. I'm attempting to
create Com Add Ins for it. So far I managed to get what I need but I have
one little snag. I am currently running Office 2003. Some of the people
who will be using the add-in are currently using Office 2000. I have a
couple of questions.

1. Does anyone know of a way to perhaps make the add-in version
independent. Currently I have to set a reference. (I did the sample from

Our C# add-in was built against the Word XP PIAs and it works with Word 2003 without problems.
Of course, the functionality is limited to what the lowest version supports.

Late binding is another option.
2. If it cannot be version independent, can two versions of Word be run on
the same machine?

I have run both Word XP and Word 2003 on my machine. I haven't tried running them concurrently and I am not sure it will work because when I switch to the other version it goues through a brief process of "installation" (probably re-registering the correct DLLs or something).

Cindy outlined the process in her reply.
I would need the additional libraries for referencing. I
am assuming (?) that I would have to write two different add-in's, one for
each version.

COM add-ins can be configured for different versions.

Best wishes,

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