Since you mentioned using additional criteria for the string searches, you
could also reference a cell to contain that variable criteria, so that the
formula itself wouldn't have to be revised:

Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!
Try this,
With dates in Column C and strings in Column D:

Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!
Hi Folks,
Thanks to all of you for your assistance. I have not made my problem
clear... sorry.
I have a named area of cells (C2:C272 and D2:d272) called JOINED. This
contains two columns, one with dates (formatted to date) and one column
of strings.
I have two list boxes. Both contain the date column information.
These are located at F272 and F273.
So, when a user selects the From date (F272) and the To date (F273), I
want to return how many strings containing "INT" (or "SYS" etc) there
are in the JOINED columns between the chosen dates. I then use this
result for a graph.
I hope this is clearer.
Thanks again for you help,