Combo Box Autofill Problem! (Thanks)


Dave Elliott

I have a Customers table that has the fields: City,Region,Postal Code in it.
They all have a Lookup combo box that gets the info from another table
called tblzipcode
On my Customers form this info is filled in from a pop-up form which is
based on the table tblzipcode.
(Now) to the problem... P.S. Table Customers does a lookup to fill in data
from the table tblzipcode for fields city,state and zip code.
On my form TimeCards I have a drop down combo box that looks up the
customer,city,state, zip and phone from the customers table
The problem is that even though I have the correct fil in info, I believe,
it does not fillin the city, but instead the zipid in the table tblzipcode
Here is the combo box code; Name is NameB, Control source is NameA
Field one:SELECT DISTINCTROW Customers.CustID, Customers.Customers,
Customers.[Customer ID], Customers.Address, Customers.City,
Customers.Region, Customers.Phone, Customers.[Default Markup %],
Customers.[Postal Code], Customers.Mailed, Customers.[Customer Rate],
Customers.PO, Customers.seniordisc FROM Customers ORDER BY
Column Count 12
Column Widths 0";1.5";0";0";0";0";0";0";0";0";0";0"
Bound Column 1

Auto fill: (Address) =NameB.Column(3) ' Address
Auto fill (City) =[NameB].[Column](4) & ", " &
[NameB].[Column](5) & " " & [NameB].[Column](8) ' City,State,Zip Code
Auto fill (Phone) =[NameB].[Column](6) ' Phone

The TextBox named City [NameB].Column](5) does not show the city, but
instead the zipid frorm the table tblzipcode ???
Also I

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