Command button not working on read page



I created a cmd btn and it works fine except on the read page. When I run
the form and click the btn the webpage opens. When I receive the form in my
inbox and I click on the btn nothing happens. Is that normal? Here is the
code I am using -
Sub cmdbtnSICLookup_Click()
Set Web = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Web.Visible = TRUE
Web.Navigate ""
End Sub

Sachin Sancheti

No, that is not normal.
Please check you might have published the form as one off form.
Before publishing the form make sure that you uncheck "Send form
definition with item" on Properties tab on the design mode of the
custom form.


Thanks Sachin

I thought I had published the version of the form with the button but I
hadn't. Now that the form is published the button works perfectly.

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