Compatibility - Compile Error



I have the following code on a worksheet:

Sub AddNewMenu()
Dim HelpIndex As Integer
Dim NewMenu As CommandBarPopup

' Get Index of Help menu
HelpIndex = CommandBars(1).Controls("Help").Index

' Create the control
Set NewMenu = CommandBars(1) _
.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, _
Before:=HelpIndex, Temporary:=True)
' Add a caption
NewMenu.Caption = "&Michigan"
End Sub

I never had problems with it until recently. I run vista with office 2007.
Everytime I save a file with the code the other person opening it gets an
error (Compile Error in Module 1). The file is saved as 97-2003. We have
not issues with 2007 Excles only with previous versions of excel. It seems
like it can't run that code at all. So any suggestions would be aprreciated.


Bob Flanagan

Ask the person getting the error to

search for and delete or rename all files of type EXD. Typically there are
2-4 on a pc.
Do a repair of Office in Control Panel, Add/Remove programs.

second from worst case solution:
delete EXD files
delete all files in all temp folders everywhere
reboot, un-install office, reboot, re-install office.

worst case solution:
buy new PCs until it works.

The problem is a common problem I think that is caused by installing SP
releases from Microsoft. I had a copy of Excel working fine, ran the SP3
upgrade, and boom, error in module 1... And the same problem after doing
the Office 2007 upgrade.

Bob Flanagan
Macro Systems
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel

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