Computed Columns in Access 2007 Query (adp/SQL)


Ian Bateman

I cannot find anything in the help files to assist me with computed columns
in a Access Queries using adp/SQL. For example when using Access (mdb) I
could put Member:iif([Paid]>0,"YES","NO"), which would result in a column
called Member with a value of either Y or N depending on the value of [Paid].

This cannot be done using adp/SQL. The query designer simply puts quotes
around the entire statement and outputs that. Please could you tell me where
I can I find a useful reference guide that will tell me how to construct
computed columns in Access queries using adp/SQL?

Many Thanks

Gary Walter

Ian Bateman said:
I cannot find anything in the help files to assist me with computed columns
in a Access Queries using adp/SQL. For example when using Access (mdb) I
could put Member:iif([Paid]>0,"YES","NO"), which would result in a column
called Member with a value of either Y or N depending on the value of

This cannot be done using adp/SQL. The query designer simply puts quotes
around the entire statement and outputs that. Please could you tell me
I can I find a useful reference guide that will tell me how to construct
computed columns in Access queries using adp/SQL?
Hi Ian,

There is no "IIF" in SQL Server,
one usually resorts to the CASE stmt


In grid of VIEW designer the "columns"
are "down" instead of "across" so "alias"
has its own column (instead of having to use
"alias: xxxx")

CASE WHEN [Paid]>0 THEN "Yes" ELSE "No" END Member

I usually add CASE stmts last because designer
cannot reconcile its "Diagram" window (showing
all the tables and joins) with a CASE stmt, so you
no longer will get your "Diagram" window.

good luck,


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