Concatenating two text strings, formula is right, cell output is w



I have a simple formula and my cells are all formatted as general, but when I
copy the formula down several cells, the values do not chnage, they stay the
same as the first cell. When clicking on the function helper (Fx), the info
returned is correct, but it shows up in the cell incorrectly.

For example:

formula =CONCATENATE(A1,".",B1)
Joe (A1), Smith (B1), results in Joe.Smith

But when I copy the formula down, i still get Joe.Smith returned, when it
should be Sue.Jones

formula =CONCATENATE(A2,".",B2)
Sue (A2), Jones (B2), results in Joe.Smith

However, when I click on the "Fx" by the formula bar, the dialog that pops
up shows the results of the formula accurately, i.e. "Sue.Jones"

T. Valko

Make sure calculation is set to automatic...

Tools>Options>Calculation tab>Automatic>OK


Thanks Biff, can't believe I missed that simple solution. You just saved me
a days worth of work!

Quick question, why would calc be set to manual? All my other spreadhseets
are set to auto by default?


T. Valko

All my other spreadhseets are set to auto by default?

What about other files you may have opened?

This setting is based on the *very first* file you open in an Excel session.

Let's assume Excel is not open. You double click a file and Excel starts and
opens that file. If that file is set to manual calculation then *every* file
you open during that Excel session will be set to manual calculation.

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