Confirmation field value and assiging to a javascript variable??


Edwin Hannan

Hi All, hope some one can help

I have been asked to put some tracking code on a confirmation page, in
between the body tags. see code at end of message

I need to get the clients email into the variable wgOrderReference

I have a confirmation field Email (in code looks like this <!--webbot
bot="ConfirmationField" S-Field="Email" -->

Ho do I do this?

Thanks for any help


FP2k and FP2003

******************* Javascript Tracking Code ***********************8

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

var wgOrderReference = Confirmation field Email;
var wgOrderValue = "0";
var wgEventID = 111;
var wgComment = "";
var wgLang = "en_GB";
var wgsLang = "javascript-client";
var wgVersion = "1.1";
var wgProgramID = 111;
var wgSubDomain = "track";
var wgCheckSum = "";
if(location.protocol.toLowerCase() == "https:") wgProtocol="https";
else wgProtocol = "http";

wgUri = wgProtocol + "://" + wgSubDomain + ""
+ "?wgver=" + wgVersion + "&wgprotocol=" + wgProtocol + "&wgsubdomain=" +
wgSubDomain + "&wgslang=" + wgsLang + "&wglang=" + wgLang + "&wgprogramid="
+ wgProgramID + "&wgeventid=" + wgEventID + "&wgvalue=" + wgOrderValue +
"&wgchecksum=" + wgCheckSum + "&wgorderreference=" + wgOrderReference +
"&wgcomment=" + escape(wgComment) + "&wglocation=" +
document.write('<sc'+'ript language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"
rs=1&wgvalue=123&wgeventid=722&wgorderreference=myorder reference" alt="" />
<!-- </webgains tracking code> -->

Edwin Hannan

Hi Mike

Hi Mike

I went to your site to download the trial version..but the link appears to
be broken.

Another thought would be ... to put the code on the actual form page and
execute when the submit button is pressed??

I do want to evaluate send it though..can you help



Edwin Hannan
(e-mail address removed)
MD Websunlimited said:
Hi Edwin,

Sorry but it is not possible with the FP components web bots. You may wish
to take a look a SEND IT! which allows you to create

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