Connection and Link


Geirr Eggen

Hello all!
I have som experience with standard Access, and I wold now try to move on to
the ADO.

After reading _several_ good books, covering the issue, there are still
three question (for now..) I cant find any answer to;

1: Where are the "perfect" place to put the ado connection commands for the
database/table? Is it in the aplication main form, the form wich actually
use the table(s), or under the command buttons wich eg. have the "New",
"Next", Prew" and so on?

2: Can I use variables as a replacement for Source="C:\blabla" -> Source =

3: I need to have a app with a local table wich have the user spesific
information. This app would also have a database on a network drive, wich
held data for the workgroup. I will use separate forms for manipulating
local and shared tables. Will it be posible to use two connection at the
same time, or - is using only a ado based connection to the network placed
database/table the correct solution?

I hope these questions are not to stupid to answer, and I hope You will
excuse my terrible english writing.

G. Eggen, Norway.

Graham R Seach


1. Primarily for security reasons, there is no "perfect" place to store
connection stuff. I often store it in a global variable, or in the Registry

2. Yes you can use variables as a replacement for the Source argument.

3. It is possible to have more than one connection open at a time, provided
you're using more than one Connection object. As for using separate forms
for local and shared data - why bother?

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

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