Consider underscore as part of the word in double click selection



When I double click to select a word I want that underscore will be
selected and not considered as a separator. If I double click on
the_word_with_underscore I want to select entire phrase includin
underscore and n ot only single word. I try to write this macro:

I create a class clsWordClass:

Public WithEvents appWord As Word.Application

Private Sub appWord_WindowBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sel As Selection,
Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub

and a module basGeneral

Dim objClass As New clsWordApp

Sub Register_EventHandler()
Set objClass.appWord = Word.Application
End Sub

Sub test()
c = ActiveDocument.Characters(Selection.End + 1)
If ActiveDocument.Characters(Selection.Words.First.End + 1) = "_"
'Selection.End = Selection.End + 1
Selection.Start = Selection.Words.First.Start
Selection.End = Selection.Words.First.End + 1
MsgBox Selection.Text
End If
End Sub

Then when I double click on a word the underscore get selected and the
MsgBox show a word that includes the underscore, but after only the
word without underscore remains selected. It will be possible with an
event like WindowAfterDoubleClick, but this does not exixts.

Helmut Weber

Hi Malix,

in case the selection is in the first word of the phrase:

Sub Test4abc()
Dim rTmp As Range
Set rTmp = Selection.Range
rTmp.start = rTmp.Words(1).start
While rTmp.Words.Last.Characters.Last.Next = "_"
rTmp.End = rTmp.Words.Last.End + 2
rTmp.End = rTmp.Words.Last.End
If rTmp.Characters.Last = " " Then
rTmp.End = rTmp.End - 1
End If
End Sub

I didn't care about event-handling,
as that seems not to be the problem.


Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Vista Small Business, Office XP

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