consolidate workbooks between two other workbooks



I have a budget program for many different companies, which have
different department names. I'm trying to write one macro to work with
all companies. I would like to consolidate all sheets between
worksheets Summary and IncStmt.

Can I do this without naming each sheet, as each company has different
worksheet names?

This is what I currently have;

Selection.Consolidate Sources:=Array( _
"Total!R4C2:R200C26", _
"CarryPlace!R4C2:R200C26", _
"Starling!R4C2:R200C26", _
"Wills!R4C2:R200C26", _
"'328Sid'!R4C2:R200C26", _
"'330Sid'!R4C2:R200C26", _
"'35Wil'!R4C2:R200C26", _
"'53Wil'!R4C2:R200C26", _
"'Jamieson'!R4C2:R200C26"), _
Function:=xlSum, TopRow:=False, LeftColumn:=True,

Total is always the first sheet, and sometimes it is the only sheet.


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