Continuous security login prompt




I'm having a problem logging onto an ACCESS 2000/Jet 4.0 .mdb using DAO 3.6
in VB6. The issue is this:

I provide the username and password within the workspace creation code and
then open the database. However, I still get the Login prompt for Access
2000. This should be bypassed if I've provided the login information. But,
unless I have manually opened the database through the Access2K UI(during
which process I login manually) I get the login prompt when I try to start
my program. I need to be able to bypass this login. Why doesn't the
provision of the login information enable the bypass?

Dim daoDB36 As dao.Database, wrkSpc As dao.Workspace
Dim dbEng As dao.DBEngine
Dim rs As dao.Recordset
Dim sPath As String

'DBEng.SystemDB = "S:\Security.mdw" 'should already know the system db
Set wrkSpc = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace(" ", "DsDeveloper", "myPwd") '<<get
the login prompt here... where I'm

'providing the login information.

sPath = "C:\Program Files\OrdWrk4.mdb"
Set daoDB36 = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(sPath)
Any comments are appreciated.


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