Convert XLS to XML without XLS Properties



Dear All,

I need to convert one excel (xls) file to XML file without the excel
properties like height, width, font etc. This appears as 'Style'
statements in the XML file.

Following is the sample XML file showing the Style statments-
<Style ss:ID="s23">
<NumberFormat ss:Format="@"/>
<Style ss:ID="s24">
<NumberFormat ss:Format="#,##0.000"/>
<Style ss:ID="s25">
<Font ss:Color="#000000"/>
<Interior ss:Color="#FFCC99" ss:pattern="Solid"/>
<Style ss:ID="s26">
<NumberFormat ss:Format="@"/>

Kindly help in saving the XLS to XML directly without above properites
so that the XML will directly show the column headings and the data.

Thanks & Regards

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