converting some T-sql queries to MS ACCESS



how do i convert this statement to work in MS ACCESS. These are some
statements I use in SQL server now they are required for a database in
access. They do not work. Anyone knows if it is possible to write them
in SQL which would work in access

sum(case when s.type = 'D' and is not null then 1 else 0 end)

sum(case when p.PaymentDate is null and datediff(day, DueDate,
getdate()) >30 then 1 else 0 end) [OVER 30]

sum(case when completionDate > Duedate then 1 else 0 end)

case when location = 'NYC' then avg(datediff(day, orderdate, shipdate))
else NULL end [Avg TIME TO SHIP in NYC]

sum(case when location = 'NYC' then 1 else 0 end) [NYC COUNT]

John Spencer

Sum (IIF(s.type = 'D' and is not null ,1,0))

Sum(IIF(p.PaymentDate is null and datediff(day, DueDate, Date()) >30 ,1
,0 )) As [OVER 30]

Sum(IIF(completionDate > Duedate,1,0)

IIF(location = 'NYC' ,avg(datediff("d", orderdate, shipdate))
as [Avg TIME TO SHIP in NYC]

Or perhaps
Avg(IIF(Location = 'NYC',DateDiff("d",OrderDate,ShipDate),Null)) as [Avg

SUM(IIF(Location = 'NYC',1,0)) as [NYC COUNT]

Just a note, you can use the following as an alternative to the above.

Other options are VBA functions Switch and choose. You can nest IIF up to
seven levels (but that gets really tough to read).

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