Copy and paste text and dates



Can someboby help me?
Here is what happens. My master spreadsheet is very big: 123 rows and
7 columns. I need to divide the master spreadsheet into 8
separete (smaller) spreadsheets to send those smaller
spreadsheets to 8 different people. The problem is when I
try to first sort the master spreadsheet by peoples' name and then copy and
paste the sorted section into a brand new spreadsheet, Excell messes up the
format. I have been struggling spending numerous hours on just trying to
format that monster. The only solution I found is to save
the master spreadsheet 8 times and delete sections that
don't apply, which makes the process extremely time
consuming and prone to error. Is there a better way to
manage large spreadsheets like that? I tried the Help
section, but it did not seem to really apply to this issue.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you

Earl Kiosterud


Say more about how you're doing the copy paste. Are you using Autofilter?
And what exactly is messed about the format? Do you mean the layour of the
cells, or the actual formatting (colors, bold, etc.)?


I am using Autofilter since I need only rows and columns with data for a
particular person. I filter master spreadheet by name and hide columns I
don't need. Then, I try to copy only that section.
When I try to paste, Excel tells me " Data on the Clipboard is not the same
size and shape as the selected area. Do you want to paste anyway?" If I click
yes, it does not change font or color, but does change size. So even though,
the headings say Arial 12 they look as if they are Arial 18. Cell are too
narrow and long, so text is all crammed. (Excel also partially cuts off text
in cells).
Is there a limit of how long the spreadsheet can be? Right now I have about
125 rows and 8 columns.
Thank you

Earl Kiosterud


You'll get that "not same size and shape error" if you've selected a range
that doesn't match what you've copied, if you're using XL 2000 or earlier.
Better to select only the upper left cell of where you want to paste.

The formats should get pasted too, so you should now have the formats (fonts
anc colors) from the table from which you copied.


I am using Excel 2003. When I tried to paste to the upper left cell, Excel
does not give me an error message, but does the same thing with format. Is
it, maybe, because I have Autofilter on?

Earl Kiosterud


Much strangeness. Normally, all formats paste. The fact that you have
areas from an Autofilter should not matter -- it doesn't on my XL2002.
You're saying some formats paste, and some don't. Strange. You can send
the file if you want to. My email address is "encoded" below to keep it
from view of spambots.

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