Copy data from Secondary Data Source to a Repeating Table in a Rep



Hi All

I have a SharePoint List and I want the data to be copied over to a
Repeating Table in a Repeating Section. I have a button on the Repeating
Section and When I click the button my Repeating Table gets populated.
However this works only for the first Repeating Section. If I have a second
Repeating section I couldn't get the button click to work. It only works on
the first section.

Here is the code - I don't know how to get a handle of the current position
of the Repeating Section or table

public void btnSelectWorkCodes_Clicked(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e)
// Write your code here.

//Access Secondary Data Source for the Work COde Group list
xnWorkCodeGroup = this.DataSources["Work Codes
XPathNodeIterator WCGNodes =
XPathNavigator rowsNav =
xnDoc.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:group4/my:NewEngagement/my:grpWorkCodes", this.NamespaceManager);

//Remove all the rows in the repeating table first
XPathNavigator lastchild =
rowsNav.SelectSingleNode("child::*[position() = last()]",
XPathNavigator firstchild =
rowsNav.SelectSingleNode("child::*[position() = 1]", this.NamespaceManager);
if (firstchild != null || lastchild != null)

while (WCGNodes.MoveNext())
string myNameSpace = NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace("my");
using (XmlWriter writer =
MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:group4/my:NewEngagement/my:grpWorkCodes", NamespaceManager).AppendChild())
writer.WriteStartElement("rptWorkCodes", myNameSpace);
writer.WriteElementString("chkWCSelect", myNameSpace,
writer.WriteElementString("txtWCTitle", myNameSpace,
WCGNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("@Title", NamespaceManager).Value);


Thanks for any help.....I tried the various combition of current() but get
the Xslt error


Anand Chandawarkar

Hi Kalpana,

I had the same situation in one of my past projects. You can use something like this:

XPathNavigator secDSNav = DataSources["Final_Selection"].CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator seciter = secDSNav.Select("/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/dfs:Final_Selection", NamespaceManager);

I am making use of the XMLNodeIterator object to traverse through the nodes of the secondary datasource "Final_Selection" in my case. Then, to loop through all the SharePoint list items that you would have you can fill the repeating table using something like below:

while (seciter.MoveNext())

//Assignment of list item values into variables


You can get the current row of the iterator mentioned above using
string firstname = seciter.Current.SelectSingleNode("@FirstName", NamespaceManager).Value;

Hope that helps. Let me know if this resolves your issue.

Hi All

I have a SharePoint List and I want the data to be copied over to a
Repeating Table in a Repeating Section. I have a button on the Repeating
Section and When I click the button my Repeating Table gets populated.
However this works only for the first Repeating Section. If I have a second
Repeating section I couldn't get the button click to work. It only works on
the first section.

Here is the code - I don't know how to get a handle of the current position
of the Repeating Section or table

public void btnSelectWorkCodes_Clicked(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e)
// Write your code here.

//Access Secondary Data Source for the Work COde Group list
xnWorkCodeGroup = this.DataSources["Work Codes
XPathNodeIterator WCGNodes =
XPathNavigator rowsNav =
xnDoc.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:group4/my:NewEngagement/my:grpWorkCodes", this.NamespaceManager);

//Remove all the rows in the repeating table first
XPathNavigator lastchild =
rowsNav.SelectSingleNode("child::*[position() = last()]",
XPathNavigator firstchild =
rowsNav.SelectSingleNode("child::*[position() = 1]", this.NamespaceManager);
if (firstchild != null || lastchild != null)

while (WCGNodes.MoveNext())
string myNameSpace = NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace("my");
using (XmlWriter writer =
MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:group4/my:NewEngagement/my:grpWorkCodes", NamespaceManager).AppendChild())
writer.WriteStartElement("rptWorkCodes", myNameSpace);
writer.WriteElementString("chkWCSelect", myNameSpace,
writer.WriteElementString("txtWCTitle", myNameSpace,
WCGNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("@Title", NamespaceManager).Value);


Thanks for any help.....I tried the various combition of current() but get
the Xslt error


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ASP.NET Composite Controls

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