copyfile method path not found


Lord Kelvan

I am getting this error and I take it is due to the destination path
does not exist is there a way to use this or another method to copy
the file and create the file path in its entirety.


SourceFile = c:/filex.doc
DestinationFile = C:/anexistingfolder/newfolder1/newfolder2/filex.doc

FSO.Copyfile SourceFile, DestinationFile

Lord Kelvan

nevermind i did some more searching and found this method

Sub MakeMultiDir(FullPath As String)
Dim V As Variant
Dim N As Long
Dim S As String
V = Split(FullPath, "\")

For N = LBound(V) To UBound(V)
S = S & V(N)
If Dir(S, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
MkDir S
End If
S = S & "\"
Next N
End Sub

and it seems to work fine

Jacob Skaria

Use the below procedure called Create Path to create folders....

Dim fso As Object
Sub Macro()
Dim strPath As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
SourceFile = "c:\1.doc"
strPath = "C:\anexistingfolder\newfolder1\newfolder2\"
CreatePath strPath
DestinationFile = strPath & "filex.doc"
fso.Copyfile SourceFile, DestinationFile
End Sub

Sub CreatePath(strPath As String)
Dim varTemp, intTemp, strTemp
varTemp = Split(strPath, "\")
For intTemp = 0 To UBound(varTemp)
strTemp = strTemp & varTemp(intTemp) & "\"
If InStr(varTemp(intTemp), ":") = 0 And fso.FolderExists(strTemp) = False Then
fso.CreateFolder strTemp
End If
End Sub

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