Copying from sheet to sheet


Francis Hookham

Range B3:C9 is named ³ProjectDetails² in the sheet named ³Schedule²

I need to copy the ProjectDetails from time to time into the sheet named
³List² as the macros steps

Recording the macro I would
Application.Goto Reference:="ProjectDetails"
and return to the ActiveCell in sheet ³List² and Paste

As the macro steps through from cell to cell how can I do this without the
waste of time switching backwards and forwards between sheets?

Something like:
ActiveCell = ProjectDetails

Thanks again

Francis Hookham

Bernard Rey

Francis Hookham wrote :
Range B3:C9 is named ³ProjectDetails² in the sheet named ³Schedule²

I need to copy the ProjectDetails from time to time into the sheet named
³List² as the macros steps

Recording the macro I would
Application.Goto Reference:="ProjectDetails"
and return to the ActiveCell in sheet ³List² and Paste

As the macro steps through from cell to cell how can I do this without the
waste of time switching backwards and forwards between sheets?

The line you want could be:
Range("ProjectDetails").Copy Destination:=Sheets("List").Range("A1")

Provided the sheets are in the active workbook, it should run. A named range
is normally valid through the whole workbook, so you don't need to select
the sheet first (but you may need to Activate the concerned workbook first)

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