Could I jump to another Sheet by clicking on a cell




I would like make a code to Jump from one Sheet (Sheet(client)For example)
to another Sheet (sheet(john)for example) only by clicking on specific
Cell on sheet(client), the text in cell(john) will be the name of the
already created sheet(john)& when sheet(john) become the active sheet the
code on start to quick in?
What I really need to know is if I can call a code by clicking on a
specific cell in a worksheet?
Thank you.


Gord Dibben

Enter the word John in a cell on client sheet.

Right-click on that cell and "Hyperlink"

Place in this document.

Select John sheet and a cell to jump to and OK

Click on John in client sheet to jump to John sheet.

I don't understand the rest of it.............. "the code on start to quick in?"

Do you want some code to run after you have jumped to John sheet?

If so, sheet activate code can be placed in the module of John sheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
'your code or a call to a macro goes here
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Ron Coderre

You may not need a program to accomplish what you want.
Try a hyperlink:

From the Excel Main Menu: <insert><hyperlink>
Enter the text to display
Click the [Place in this Document] button
Select the sheet and cell to link to
Click the [OK] button

Is that something you can work with?


Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)


You may not need a program to accomplish what you want.
Try a hyperlink:

From the Excel Main Menu: <insert><hyperlink>
Enter the text to display
Click the [Place in this Document] button
Select the sheet and cell to link to
Click the [OK] button

Is that something you can work with?


Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)

Jean ?)> said:

I would like make a code to Jump from one Sheet (Sheet(client)For
example) to another Sheet (sheet(john)for example) only by clicking
on specific Cell on sheet(client), the text in cell(john) will be
the name of the already created sheet(john)& when sheet(john) become
the active sheet the code on start to quick in?
What I really need to know is if I can call a code by clicking on a
specific cell in a worksheet?
Thank you.


Thank you for your response.
This solution is good but I have something as 300 links to do &
I was thinking more as something as ListBox but without Lisbox (cliking
directly in WorkSheet(Client) on the name of the client"John" to call a
code which make a search trough all sheets in the workbook to find the
Sheet with the same name as the one I clicked on the Sheet(Client).
Any Idea?
Thank a lot anyway.



Enter the word John in a cell on client sheet.

Right-click on that cell and "Hyperlink"

Place in this document.

Select John sheet and a cell to jump to and OK

Click on John in client sheet to jump to John sheet.

I don't understand the rest of it.............. "the code on start to
quick in?"

Do you want some code to run after you have jumped to John sheet?

If so, sheet activate code can be placed in the module of John sheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
'your code or a call to a macro goes here
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Thank you for your response.
This solution is good but I have something as 300 links to do &
I was thinking more as something as ListBox but without Lisbox (cliking
directly in WorkSheet(Client) on the name of the client"John" to call a
code which make a search trough all sheets in the workbook to find the
Sheet with the same name as the one I clicked on the Sheet(Client).
Any Idea?
Thank a lot anyway.



I would think that you could load your ListBox with the 300 sheet references
and then use something like:


in a click event to call the sheet you want. Of course the sheet references
would have to include the workbook name if not in the same workbook as your
code sheet.
But, it shouild work OK as long as all the workbooks are open.

Jean ?)> said:
You may not need a program to accomplish what you want.
Try a hyperlink:

From the Excel Main Menu: <insert><hyperlink>
Enter the text to display
Click the [Place in this Document] button
Select the sheet and cell to link to
Click the [OK] button

Is that something you can work with?


Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)

Jean ?)> said:

I would like make a code to Jump from one Sheet (Sheet(client)For
example) to another Sheet (sheet(john)for example) only by clicking
on specific Cell on sheet(client), the text in cell(john) will be
the name of the already created sheet(john)& when sheet(john) become
the active sheet the code on start to quick in?
What I really need to know is if I can call a code by clicking on a
specific cell in a worksheet?
Thank you.


Thank you for your response.
This solution is good but I have something as 300 links to do &
I was thinking more as something as ListBox but without Lisbox (cliking
directly in WorkSheet(Client) on the name of the client"John" to call a
code which make a search trough all sheets in the workbook to find the
Sheet with the same name as the one I clicked on the Sheet(Client).
Any Idea?
Thank a lot anyway.


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