Count the Number of Variable Rows


Paul Black

Hi everyone,

How can I count the number of rows with data in from "B4" down to
whatever. I would like it based on this please :-


I have tried :-

Worksheets("Wheel").Range("B4","B4" & .End(xlDown), Rows.Count)
Worksheets("Wheel").Range("B4","B" & .End(xlDown), Rows.Count)
Worksheets("Wheel").Range("B4:B" & .End(xlDown), Rows.Count)

Thanks in Advance.
All the Best.

Dave Peterson

Dim myRng as range
with worksheets("Wheel")
set myrng = .range("b4", .range("b4").end(xldown))

'I like coming from the bottom of the worksheet and going to the top.
'just in case there are gaps in column B.
set myrng = .range("b4", .cells(.rows.count,"B").end(xlup))
end with

Dave Peterson

Ps. Then add:

msgbox myrng.rows.count
msgbox myrng.cells.count 'since it's a single column.

Paul Black

Thanks for the reply Dave,

I have added your code but it does not work. Here is what I have
got :-

Private Sub Test()

Dim sStr As String
Dim vValues As Variant
Dim myrng As Range

sStr = Replace(Mid(Worksheets("Wheel").Range("B2"), 4), ")=", ",")
vValues = Split(sStr, ",")

With Worksheets("Statistics").Range("B2").Select
Set myrng =
Worksheets("Wheel").Range("B4", .Range("B4").End(xlDown))
.Offset(0, 0).Value = "F"
.Offset(1, 0).Value = "S"
.Offset(2, 0).Value = "N"
.Offset(3, 0).Value = "M"
.Offset(4, 0).Value = "T"

.Offset(1, 4).Value = vValues(0)
.Offset(2, 4).Value = vValues(1)
.Offset(3, 4).Value = vValues(2) & " if " & vValues(3)
.Offset(3, 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.Offset(4, 4).Value = vValues(4)
.Offset(4, 5).Value = myrng.Rows.Count
End With
End Sub

Thanks in Advance.
All the Best.

Dave Peterson

I'm confused by your code.

Maybe you could explain what you're doing and what's in B2 of the Wheel

Paul Black

Thanks for the reply Dave,

The Test Sub splits a string in the "Wheel" sheet into individual
components and outputs the titles and components to the "Statistics"
The "Wheel" sheet has numbers going from "B4" down to whatever.
I would like the number of rows in the "Wheel" sheet with numbers in
So if the rows went from 4 to 48 the answer would be 44 and go in the
"Statistics" sheet in :-

.Offset(4, 5).Value = Total Number of Rows

Thanks in Advance.
All the Best.

Dave Peterson

So it was just that little portion <bg>.

Maybe something like:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Test()

Dim myRng As Range
Dim sStr As String
Dim vValues As Variant

With Worksheets("wheel")
Set myRng = .Range("b4", .Range("B4").End(xlDown))
End With

sStr = Replace(Mid(Worksheets("Wheel").Range("B2"), 4), ")=", ",")
vValues = Split(sStr, ",")

With Worksheets("Statistics")
.Offset(0, 0).Value = "F"
.Offset(1, 0).Value = "S"
.Offset(2, 0).Value = "N"
.Offset(3, 0).Value = "M"
.Offset(4, 0).Value = "T"

.Offset(1, 4).Value = vValues(0)
.Offset(2, 4).Value = vValues(1)
.Offset(3, 4).Value = vValues(2) & " if " & vValues(3)
.Offset(3, 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.Offset(4, 4).Value = vValues(4)
.Offset(4, 5).Value = myRng.Rows.Count
End With

End Sub

Paul Black

Brilliant Dave, it does EXACTLY as I want.

Thanks VERY much.
All the Best.

So it was just that little portion <bg>.

Maybe something like:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Test()

Dim myRng As Range
Dim sStr As String
Dim vValues As Variant

With Worksheets("wheel")
Set myRng = .Range("b4", .Range("B4").End(xlDown))
End With

sStr = Replace(Mid(Worksheets("Wheel").Range("B2"), 4), ")=", ",")
vValues = Split(sStr, ",")

With Worksheets("Statistics")
.Offset(0, 0).Value = "F"
.Offset(1, 0).Value = "S"
.Offset(2, 0).Value = "N"
.Offset(3, 0).Value = "M"
.Offset(4, 0).Value = "T"

.Offset(1, 4).Value = vValues(0)
.Offset(2, 4).Value = vValues(1)
.Offset(3, 4).Value = vValues(2) & " if " & vValues(3)
.Offset(3, 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.Offset(4, 4).Value = vValues(4)
.Offset(4, 5).Value = myRng.Rows.Count
End With

End Sub

Paul said:
Thanks for the reply Dave,
The Test Sub splits a string in the "Wheel" sheet into individual
components and outputs the titles and components to the "Statistics"
The "Wheel" sheet has numbers going from "B4" down to whatever.
I would like the number of rows in the "Wheel" sheet with numbers in
So if the rows went from 4 to 48 the answer would be 44 and go in the
"Statistics" sheet in :-
.Offset(4, 5).Value = Total Number of Rows

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