Counting occurences of a name




What is the simplest way of counting the occurences of a name in a
column of names please?

Basically, I have a column of year on year League Champions names, and
want to create a Ranked list in another column based on how many times
the teams in the original column have won the title.

The new column would looks something like

Team F 8
Team A 7
Team D 4



Try using a formula like


where C2 contains the specific team that you want to count

Ron Rosenfeld


What is the simplest way of counting the occurences of a name in a
column of names please?

Basically, I have a column of year on year League Champions names, and
want to create a Ranked list in another column based on how many times
the teams in the original column have won the title.

The new column would looks something like

Team F 8
Team A 7
Team D 4


COUNTIF worksheet function will generate the list; then you can sort on the
numeric column.

Or you can use a Pivot Table


One way to get the ranking list up quick, simple and dynamic to source, with
tiebreakers included

Source data assumed in cols A and B, from row1 down
(Teams in col A, points in col B)

In D1:

In E1:

Copy E1 to F1. Select D1:F1, copy down to cover the max expected extent of
source data in col B, eg down to B100. Hide away col D. Cols E & F will
automatically return the required ranking list of Teams / points, sorted in
descending order by the points. Teams with tied points, if any, will be
listed in the same relative order that they appear within the source cols.


Should your source data start in row2 down,
use this set of formulas instead

In D2:
Leave D1 empty

In E2:
Copy E2 to F2. Select D2:F2, copy down.

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