Create a database shortcut

  • Thread starter Alastair MacFarlane
  • Start date

Alastair MacFarlane

Dear All,

Is there a way I can create a database shortcut from Access on the desktop
of the current user entering the database? I would presume that you would
need to get the path of the database, get the path of the current user's
desktop and then create the desktop shortcut.

The first 2 are relatively easy but creating the shortcut is the problem

I came across the code below which works well with VB but fails within
Access. The problem is with the creation of the text file:

Open Shortcut0 For Binary Access Read As #n0
'Wait for the file is correctly feed.
Do Until LOF(n0) > 0

At this point it gets stuck in a loop and sometimes creates the shortcut and
sometimes fails. Can someone offer me some guidance on this issue?

I currently create the shortcut as follows:

m_CreateShortcut CSIDL_DESKTOP, "MyFile", _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Alastair\Desktop\Shortcut.mdb", "C:\Documents
and Settings\Alastair\Desktop\Shortcut.mdb"

Thanks again.

Alastair MacFarlane

Option Explicit

'Skrol 29
'(e-mail address removed)
'Version 1.00, on 02/13/1999
'Version 1.01, on 04/19/1999
Public Const CSIDL_DESKTOP = &H0
Public Const CSIDL_PROGRAMS = &H2
Public Const CSIDL_PERSONAL = &H5
Public Const CSIDL_FAVORITES = &H6
Public Const CSIDL_STARTUP = &H7
Public Const CSIDL_RECENT = &H8

Public Declare Function api_SHAddToRecentDocs Lib _
"shell32.dll" Alias "SHAddToRecentDocs" (ByVal dwFlags As _
Long, ByVal dwData As String) As Long

Public Declare Function api_SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib _
"shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetSpecialFolderLocation" (ByVal _
hwndOwner As Long, ByVal nFolder As Long, pidl As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function api_SHGetPathFromIDList Lib _
"shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetPathFromIDList" _
(ByVal pidl As Long, ByValsPath As String) _
As Long
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Public AccessHwnd As Long

Public Sub m_CreateShortcut(ScFolder As Variant, ScCaption As _
String, TargetPath As String, Optional ScParam As String, _
Optional StartFolder As String, Optional IcoNum As Integer, _
Optional IcoPath As String, Optional WindowMode As Integer)

'If you want to use one of the windows folders for the shortcut
'location, you can pass one of the constants defined in the declarations,
' CSIDL_RECENT = RecentDocs


'Example: Puts a shortcut to Notepad on the desktop with
' a .txt document to be opened

' m_CreateShortcut CSIDL_DESKTOP, "MyFile", _
' "C:\windows\Notepad.exe", "C:\MyFile.txt"

Dim Shortcut0 As String 'Full path for the temporary shortcut
'created in the RecentDocs folder.
Dim n0 As Integer 'Cusror position in Shortcut0.
Dim x0 As String * 1 'Variable while reading Shortcut0.
Dim l0 As Long 'Lenth of the Shortcut0 file.
Dim Shortcut1 As String 'Full path for the final shortcut.
Dim n1 As Integer 'Cusror position in Shortcut1
Dim x1 As String * 1 'Variable while reading Shortcut1.
Dim l1 As Long 'Lenth of the Shortcut1 file

Dim T As Double
Dim p As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As String
Dim y0 As String * 2

'Check for the target folder
If IsNumeric(ScFolder) Then
ScFolder = p_GetSpecialFolder(CInt(ScFolder))
ElseIf Dir$(ScFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Then
MsgBox "Le r·?rtoire '" & ScFolder & "' est introuvable.", _
vbCritical, "Cr?·on d'un raccrourci"
Exit Sub
End If

'Create a temporary shortcut with only the
'target in the the RecentDocs.
If api_SHAddToRecentDocs(2, TargetPath) > 0 Then

'Full path of the created shortcut
Shortcut0 = p_GetSpecialFolder(8) & "\" & _
p_File_Folder(TargetPath) & ".lnk"

'Waiting for the end of the creation.
T = Now()
Do Until (Dir$(Shortcut0) <> "")

If (Now() - T) > 0.00006 Then 'wait 5 seconds
If MsgBox("Attendre encore la cr?·on du raccourci ?", _
vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Raccourci") <> vbOK Then
Exit Sub
T = Now()
End If
End If


'Open the temporary shortcut file in read mode.
n0 = FreeFile()

'****************** Problem Area Here *************************
Open Shortcut0 For Binary Access Read As #n0
'Wait for the file is correctly feed.
Do Until LOF(n0) > 0
l0 = LOF(n0)

'Open the shortcut file to create
Shortcut1 = ScFolder & "\" & ScCaption & ".lnk"
n1 = FreeFile()
Open Shortcut1 For Binary Access Write As #n1

'Look for the last byte to get
p = (l0 - 4)
y0 = ""
Do Until (p <= 0) Or (y0 = vbNullChar & vbNullChar)
Get #n0, p, y0
p = p - 1
l1 = p + 2

'Copy bytes
For p = 1 To l1

Get #n0, p, x0

Select Case p
Case 21 'path for icon, startup, parameters
i = 3
If StartFolder <> "" Then
i = i + 16
End If
If ScParam <> "" Then
i = i + 32
End If
If (IcoPath <> "") Or (IcoNum > 0) Then
i = i + 64
End If
x1 = Chr$(i)
Case 57 'Icon index
x1 = Chr$(IcoNum)
Case 61 'Window mode
x1 = Chr$(WindowMode)
Case Else
x1 = x0
End Select

Put #n1, p, x1

Next p

'Close and delete the temporary shorcut
Close #n0
Kill Shortcut0

'Add the Start folder, parameters and icon file
x = ""
If StartFolder <> "" Then
x = x & Chr$(Len(StartFolder)) & vbNullChar & StartFolder
End If
If ScParam <> "" Then
x = x & Chr$(Len(ScParam)) & vbNullChar & ScParam
End If
If IcoPath = "" Then
If IcoNum > 0 Then
x = x & Chr$(Len(TargetPath)) & vbNullChar _
& TargetPath
End If
x = x & Chr$(Len(IcoPath)) & vbNullChar & IcoPath
End If
x = x & String(4, vbNullChar)
Put #n1, l1 + 1, x

Close #n1


MsgBox "Error when creating the shortcut.", _
vbCritical, "Shortcut"

End If

End Sub

Private Function p_GetSpecialFolder(CsIdl As Long) As String

'Returns the full path of the folder corresponding to the
'Windows's id system folder.

Dim r As Long
Dim pidl As Long
Dim sPath As String

r = api_SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(AccessHwnd, CsIdl, pidl)

If r = 0 Then

sPath = Space$(260)
r = api_SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal pidl, ByVal sPath)
If r Then
p_GetSpecialFolder = Left$(sPath, _
InStr(sPath, Chr$(0)) - 1)
End If

End If

End Function

Private Function p_File_Folder(FullPath As String) As String
'Returns the name of the file alone.

Dim i As Integer

p_File_Folder = FullPath
i = Len(FullPath)
Do Until i = 0
If Mid$(FullPath, i, 1) = "\" Then
p_File_Folder = Mid$(FullPath, i + 1)
i = 0
i = i - 1
End If

End Function

Alastair MacFarlane


Thanks for the link. I have tested it and it works. I appreciate your time.

Alastair MacFarlane

Brendan Reynolds

I'm glad it worked for you, Alastair, but the credit really belongs to Tom
Mitchell and Terry Kreft, who posted the examples in that thread.

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