Create and VBA code



I need some help. I having alot of trouble to decide with
are the best way to creating the data entry form. Here's
my description if the project. I received a boxesand each
box content alot of client information sheets. A
information sheets from the box need to be device into
many blocks, so many users can take it and into into the
database get the same time. When they done the input, the
sheet need to be put back at the same place as when they
took it out. At the end, the report need to be show the
same order in the sheet and block as the users input into
the databse. Here's my table.

tblBox tblBoxgroup tblClient
======= ====== =======
BoxID BoxGroupID FName
Box# BoxGroup# LName

The relationship is :

One to many from tblBox.BoxID to tblBoxgroupID.BoxID
One to many from tblBoxroup.BoxgroupID To

Here's the form that I would like to create, when the user
enter the data. On the form there's two combo boxes and 3
text box. First combo box content the Box numbers and
second combo box content and boxgroup number and the 3
text box content and Clients information.
When the user click and select box number on the Box
number Combo box it will refresh the boxgroup number combo
box and the Boxgroup number combo box will only show the
number that is ONLY relate to the Box number. After the
select the box number then user will select the Boxgroup
number. Now the Client will show only relate to the Box
number and boxgroup number. I have alot of problems to
create and VBA code like this way. It's any way to write
the VBA coding to make it works? and it's any easier to do
this? Sorry for the long note, but I just want whoever
read this and understand.

Any help would be very appreciated

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