Create column with data pulled from header row


Kirk Ace Art


I receive spreadsheets from a client that I need to extract a list from
Here is what the spread sheet looks like when I get it:

DD1 DD2 Q3 K1 K2
501 1
502 1
503 1
504 1
505 1
506 1
507 1

What I want to have at the end is this:

501 DD2
502 K1
503 DD1
504 K1
505 K2
506 Q3
507 DD1

If you can help me with a formula I'll be able to save tons of time.



Bernard Liengme

I have copied you input data to A1:F8
So I have DD1, DD2 etc in B1:F1
I have 501, 502.... in A2:A8

I copied A2:A8 to I2:I8 (but this cold be anywhere else)
In J2 I used =INDEX($B$1:$F$1,MATCH(1,B2:F2))
I copied this down to J8
Now I have the table you asked for

best wishes

Kirk Ace Art

That was great; I've been trying to figure this out on my own for a week. I
posted and had an answer in 10 minutes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,

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