Creating a formel in excel



I have a small excel sheet where I would like to make a formel fore a dailey

I have three cells A1, B1 and C1 in the same line.

Cell A1 indicates if a job are Applicabil (A) or Not Applicabil (NA)
Cell B1 indicates if there have been made a plan fore implementing (Y)
Cell C1 indicates how mutch of the job there have been done (in %)

All three cells have to bee marked Read, Yellow oan green if they fulfills
these demands:

Green if: A1="A" and B1="Y" and C1="90" or above.
Green if: A1="NA" and B1="N" and C1="100".
Yellow if: A1="A" and B1="Y" and C1="50 to 90".
Red if: A1="A" and B1="Y" and C1="50" or below.

At the same time I would like to progran the A1 cell in a way that, if the
value are "NA" then the data in the B1 and C1 cell automaticaly would bee
written in.

Do hope that somone could and would help me with these little program. Thanks

Bob Phillips

Use CF with three conditions and formulae of

Green: =OR(AND(A1="A",B1="Y",C1>=.9),AND(A1="NA",B1="N",C1>=1))
Yellow: =AND(A1="A",B1="Y",C1>=.5,C1<.9)
Red: =AND(A1="A",B1="Y",C1<.5)

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