Creating Administrative Workspace for Password Reseting - Compile



I followed Microsoft's directions for setting up a database form where users
can change their passwords and administrators can reset lost passwords. The
user form works great. I can't get the Administrative part to work. I keep
getting a compile error when I click the "reset" or "change password"
buttons, and the VB Editor opens the code with "DIM ws As WorkSpace"
selected, and the words above the asterisks (below) are highlighted in bright
yellow. (See code below). What is wrong? Why do I get a compile error?
Thanks so much, Janet

Public Sub ChangeResetPassword(StrAction As String, StrUsername As _
String, StrAdminLogon As String, StrAdminPass As String, Optional _
StrNewPassword As Variant)

' This function is for allowing the administrator to change anyone's passwor

Dim ws As Workspace
On Error GoTo ChangeResetPassword:

' Create a new Administrative Workspace. If The StrAction passed to the
' function is "Change" then change the Password of the User named in
' StrUsername to the password saved in StrNewPassword.
' If the StrAction passed is "Reset", Then reset the password of
' the User mentioned in StrUsername. If neither "Change" or "Reset"
' is passed to the function in the StrAction argument, inform the
' user of an error and exit the procedure.

Set ws = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace(0"AdminWorkspace", StrAdminLogon, _
If StrAction = "change" Then

If Not IsNull(StrNewPassword) Then
ws.Users(StrUsername).NewPassword "", StrNewPassword
MsgBox "Password Change Successful", vbOKOnly
MsgBox "When Attempting to Change A User's Password, You " & _
"Must Include a New Password", vbOKOnly
End If


If StrAction = "reset" Then
'When the current user is in the admins group and reseting
'his/her own password, the current password must be supplied.
'In all other cases, the current user password is not needed
'for a reset.
If StrUsername = ws.UserName And StrAdminLogon = ws.UserName Then
ws.Users(StrUsername).NewPassword StrAdminPass, ""
MsgBox "Password Successfully Reset", vbOKOnly
ws.Users(StrUsername).NewPassword "", ""
MsgBox "Password Successfully Reset", vbOKOnly
End If
MsgBox "You must Select a StrAction of either '" & "Change'" & _
"' or '" & "Reset'.", vbOKOnly
End If

Set ws = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

Public Sub ChangeUserPassword(StrUsername As String, StrOldPassword _
As String, StrNewPassword As String)

' This function is for allowing a user to change his/her own password ONL

On Error GoTo ChangeUserPassword_Err:
DBEngine(0).Users(StrUsername).NewPassword StrOldPassword, _

MsgBox "Password Change Successful", vbInformation
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

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