Creating an attendance sheet EXCEL



Hi I am trying to create an attendance sheet for my martial arts studio with certain features and have gotten stuck on one of them.

Im using frozen panes with 5 columns on the left and two the top.

The colums in order are
A. Last attended
B. Attendance
C. Name.
D. Rank
E. Date of Last Testing
F and above are the dates

The rows are
1. Date starting with the 6th column
2. Attendance (How many came to todays classes)
3 and above. Student names and where attendance is entered

I was able to use an index formula to get the last date attended with
=INDEX(F$1:BW$1,MAX(IF($F8:$BW8<>"",COLUMN($F8:$BW8)))-5) array

My problem is with Attendance.
attendance will be recorded with the instructor's and/or assistants initials and is currently counted with this formula
The 2 is for when students attend two classes that day

MY QUESTION: is there a way to combine the two formulas to get the # of classes a person attends after a certain date which would be referenced in the fifth column??? I dont know maybe invert the index array and combine with the count function?

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