Creating nested IFs with variables?



I'm creating a whole mess of charts to track incidents for the first 9
months of this year, based on a varying number of conditions. Editing
each formula by hand will get the job done, but there must be a way to
do this faster. *Is it possible, within a formula, to grab additional
bits of formula from another cell?*

For example, I have five columns of data: Month, Place, Type, Type
Description, and Severity. Right now I'm just nesting IFs, like so:




Basically, I have to create a chart based on every possible
combination, with 2-5 IFs. Pasting in each IF is laborious. *Is there a
way I can replace, say, "IF('Quarter1'!B1:B400="Spill" with
"'Definitions'!$A1" where 'Definitions'!$A1 =
IF('Quarter1'!B1:B400="Spill"?* That would make constructing the
formulas much, much faster.

Niek Otten

Take a look at the INDIRECT function. If you still have problems, write

Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel

Don Guillett

Have a look at the INDIRECT function.

thefishpatrol said:
I'm creating a whole mess of charts to track incidents for the first 9
months of this year, based on a varying number of conditions. Editing
each formula by hand will get the job done, but there must be a way to
do this faster. *Is it possible, within a formula, to grab additional
bits of formula from another cell?*

For example, I have five columns of data: Month, Place, Type, Type
Description, and Severity. Right now I'm just nesting IFs, like so:



Basically, I have to create a chart based on every possible
combination, with 2-5 IFs. Pasting in each IF is laborious. *Is there a
way I can replace, say, "IF('Quarter1'!B1:B400="Spill" with
"'Definitions'!$A1" where 'Definitions'!$A1 =
IF('Quarter1'!B1:B400="Spill"?* That would make constructing the
formulas much, much faster.


Using INDIRECT to add an IF statement returns #REF!
For example:

IF('Quarter1'!$E1:$E500="Spill",IF('Quarter1'!$D1:$D500="Pantry",1,0)) [in cell A1 of worksheet "Home"]


Tried moving the IF outside of the INDIRECT call with the same results.
IF(INDIRECT('Home'!$A1))=Volatile. Also, this doesn't really make my
job easier. What I really want to do is enter this:


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