Cross browser compatibility



I have this cross browser compatibility problem with an database driven
MySql - php website.

I need to output records to the Netscape Browser in a 5 column layout.
But whatever i do, Ns keeps breaking off the line after each <span>

$browser_output = "<span class=\"contentcontainer\"
style=\"width:156px; height:190px;\"><a \n".
height=600');\"><img \n".
"class=\"txt\"><nobr>&nbsp;$data4 $data5</nobr><br>&nbsp;te
$data3</a><br><a \n".
"class=\"txt\">&nbsp;&euro; $dutch_format_number
"<a href=\"$link\" target=\"blank\"><img align=\"right\" \n".
"src=\"$icon\" alt=\"$alt\" border=\"0\" style=\"border:1px
solid #808080;\"></a></span>\n";

How can i construct a content container that doesn't break off the line in
Netscape browser?

David Bartosik

Since you are in the Microsoft Community but not using Microsoft
Technologies, and you are in the Office Publisher forum but you're not a
Publisher user with a Publisher question, I am giving you failing grade in
Community Skill and sending you to

My suggestion is you visit and go into their development
community. Otherwise google for php and/or mysql forums.

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