Crosstab query question



Hello all,
I have been searching crosstab and union query posts; but, have been
unable to apply the information. I am using pizza to represent my question.
There are 3 tables, tbl_pizza, tbl_veggies, tbl_meats. tbl_pizza uses an
autonumber Key. All three tables join on that key, with referential
I am trying to build a query that will list the a column for veggies and
a column for meats based on the pizzaID. The fields in tbl_veggies &
tbl_meats are Yes/No. I only want the topping to be listed if the value is
True. How can I conditionally convert several horizontal fields into two
PizzaID Veggies Meats
01 Green Peppers Pepperoni
Onions Sausage
Black Olives

Thank you for any suggestions.

Duane Hookom

Consider normalizing your table so you aren't using values as field names.
If a pizza has three veggies, this should result in three records in a
related table.

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