currency and rounding



Download data from mainframe. Cost are stored as 0000075 or 0000120, where
the first is 75 cents and the second is $1.20. If 4 units are sold at 75
cents, I want the cost of 1 unit to be 19 cents, not 18.75 cents. The unit
cost is used elsewere and I want all math to use the 19 cents. Further, when
print out the cost sheets, I want any less than $1.00 to use the cent sign,
i.e., 75¢, and I want all values over 99 cents to be printed as $x.xx. I can
import the cost field in as anything I want, text, currency, numbers, etc.
I've tried just about all I can think of, and haven't had any luck. The
closest I got was 75¢, but over a dollar printed as $1.2 instead of $1.20.
Any help here would be appreciated.

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