DAP fields populated witn #name?



This problem has been posted several times in variuos
sites with no response.

I have created a DAP page on a webserver. Both the DAP
page and the associated mdb files exist on the server.I am
usingthen following connection string I am using

This an Access db with User = "Admin" and blank pwd.

DAP works on local network.

The DAP does not work over the Internet.
http://www.website.com/dap.htm the data access page only
populates the fields with #name?. The record selector is
not active.

Other pages work fine. Some are from FP 2003, some are
Dreamweaver pages.

Is this a security issue?

I have tried the following articles, as well as the follow
ups. #291783

Thao Moua [ms]

Have you tried posting to the Access forum? This forum
is for OWC only. Good luck.

Thao Moua
OWC Webchart Support

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