Database Compacting Function



Microsoft VBA help provides the following code suggestion for initiating the
compacting of a database.

Function RepairDatabase(strSource As String, _
strDestination As String) As Boolean
' Input values: the paths and file names of
' the source and destination files.

' Trap for errors.
On Error GoTo error_handler

' Compact and repair the database. Use the return value of
' the CompactRepair method to determine if the file was
' successfully compacted.
RepairDatabase = _
Application.CompactRepair( _
LogFile:=True, _
SourceFile:=strSource, _

' Reset the error trap and exit the function.
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function

' Return False if an error occurs.
RepairDatabase = False

End Function

I have created a button on a form on my Front End that is accessible to
users with System Admin rights to initiate the function which I have pointed
at the Back End of the application. It seems to work fine except I don't know
how to intentionally cause a failure of the compaction so that I test the
'failed' side of the function!

I want to test it because the Help notes say that the filepath and name of
the log file has to be passed to the Function. Does this mean that I need to
create an 'empty' file at my filepath with a name like 'CompactLog.txt', or
does the VB code automatically generate a file with my nominated file name
and extension (like .txt). Also, am I right to guess that an appropriate file
type for the log is .txt?

Thanks in anticipation for any help you can offer.


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