Database Question...



I have a database that is nothing more than an exported.mdb I have setup a
webpage that pulls the data into a results page. I would now like to push
that data to a page that I can edit and yet post to a different database.
the exported.mdb is something created on a weekly basis. Would SQL Insert
into be the way to go to get the data into a permanant DB?


Stefan B Rusynko

- you would get the data from your exported.mbd and write it to the other DB as a new record
For adding a new record See


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

I have a database that is nothing more than an exported.mdb I have setup a
webpage that pulls the data into a results page. I would now like to push
that data to a page that I can edit and yet post to a different database.
the exported.mdb is something created on a weekly basis. Would SQL Insert
into be the way to go to get the data into a permanant DB?


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