DBR error on empty



FP 2002 & Access 2002 website

I have several DBR regions which pull from unique queries in an Access Db -

The query has a conditional criteria to display only those records that
satisfy the criteria, unless there are no records which satisfy the criteria
in which case ALL RECORDS should be displayed. The queries all work in

Problem I encounter is when the query needs to display all records - it
errors as follows: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required

/eagle/_fpclass/fpdblib.inc, line 48

Line 48 in the fpdblib.inc file reads:
If Not IsEmpty(rs) And Not (rs Is Nothing) and Not IsNull(rs(fldname))
Select Case rs(fldname).Type
Case 128, 204, 205 ' adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary
FP_Field = "[#BINARY#]"
Case 201, 203 ' adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar
if rs(fldname).DefinedSize > 255 then
' check for Access hyperlink fields (only absolute http
fp_strVal = rs(fldname)
fp_idxHash1 = InStr(LCase(fp_strVal),"#http://")
if fp_idxHash1 > 0 then
fp_idxHash2 = InStr(fp_idxHash1+1,fp_strVal,"#")
if fp_idxHash2 > 0 then
' this is an Access hyperlink; extract the URL
fp_strVal = Mid(fp_strVal,fp_idxHash1+1)
if Right(fp_strVal,1) = "#" then
fp_strVal = Left(fp_strVal,Len(fp_strVal)-1)
end if
end if
end if
FP_Field = fp_strVal

Do I need to adjust the code somehow/somewhere? Is what I'm trying to do
even "do-able"?

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