DCount formula problem. Help please.



I really need help on this. I want a field in a query to calculate the
pecentage of the count "Y" over the sum of "Y" and "N". The formula is use
for this is:
[UM]![5]","UM","[UM]![5]='Y'")+DCount(" [UM]![5]","UM","[UM]![5]='N'"))

But when all my data for that column is "N/A", I get the error message in
the query:

"This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated.
For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements.
Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to
variables." when I run the query.

If I try to put that same formula into a control source of a text box, I get
the return value of #NUM!. I guess I want the formula to works but if none
the data in the feild is a "Y" or "N"" then I want it to return "N/A" instead
of error messages. Any advice on this problem quick is very much appreciated.

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