Dev Ashish's Internet Transfer Library



I am looking for help getting Dev Ashish's Internet Transfer Library to
work in my app.

Any help would be appreciated.


Larry Linson

Karen said:
I am looking for help getting Dev Ashish's
Internet Transfer Library to work in my app.

There are really good suggestions on effective use of newsgroups in the FAQ
at One suggestion is that, in
newsgroups, you should ask specific questions about what you are having
problems with, and then you may get specific answers.

If you could clarify specifically what problem you are having, then perhaps
someone here will have had the experience to be able to assist you. It won't
be me, because I haven't used Dev's ITL, but I suspect there are others who
have and will be helpful.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


I've downloaded the Internet Data Transfer Library from The Access Web
but I need some help getting it to work.
I've imported the class modules and the modMain from the
InetTransferlib.mda file that I unzipped. I then wrote in the code as
shown on The Access Web to to the FTP Upload.
Sub FTPUpload()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Dim objFTP As InetTransferLib.FTP
Const conTarget = "ftp://{server}" 'i have the real server name here

Set objFTP = New InetTransferLib.FTP
With objFTP
.FtpURL = conTarget
.SourceFile = vbNullString
.DestinationFile = "/pages/common/pdf/certificates/*.*"
.AutoCreateRemoteDir = True
.ConnectToFTPHost "XXXXXXX", "********" ' i have the real username

and password in here
End With

On Error Resume Next
Set objFTP = Nothing
Call SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, _
vbCritical + vbOKOnly, Err.Source
Resume Exithere

End Sub

When I click on the button I created (it's code is the call to the
FTPUpload) I get an error:

"User-defined Type not defined" and the following is highlighted in
objFTP As InetTransferLib.FTP
and when I click the OK button this is highlighted in yellow...
Sub FTPUpload()

Where have I gone wrong?

Thanks for all of your help.

I've posted this twice with no reply, so this time I thought I'd keep
it short and sweet. I simply don't know how to go about using the file
that I've downloaded. I need someone to give me better instructions
than The Access Web's "To use this functionality in Microsoft 2000 or
higher, please import all the classes from the addin (which does not
have the tables required for a typical Access addin) in your own Access
project. To use the classes, just refer to them withthe
'InetTranserLib.' prefix (eg: Dim objHTTP As HTTP)".

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