Diff. change headline in "Formatting" or "Outlining" toolbar?


Bernd Oninger

Assume I have marked a line in a Word 2003 doc. Currently at least two toolbars
are displayed:

- Formatting
- Outlining

What is now the difference between changing the currently marked line

a) in toolbar "Formatting" from Normal->Heading 2
b) in toolbar "Outlining" from "Body text" to "Level 2"

From my point of view it is always the same result.
So why is toolbar "Outlining" existing at all?



Wow. A Microsoft spammer.

Not knowing which of the five newsgroups this was posted from, I add
the one I am reading.

Outlining affects what you see on your screen (and lets you move parts
of your document around fairly easily, and "promote" and "demote"

Formatting affects the document.

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