Different Functions in One Cell Cancel Each Other Out - How can I fix this?



Hi, Please help. I have tried to setup my formulas in so many ways an
still cannot get the results. If I move them to different cells the
work independently however once I place them together the first cancel
the second one out and it does not work. Here is the sample.

A1 = Initial Date (Manually Entered)
B1 = Initial Due Date (Calculated via Formul
C1 = Date of Completed Report (Manually Entered)
D1 = Meeting Due Date = (Calculated via Formula)
F1 = Transfer Date (not really need for this sample)

Formula(s) for D1 should state, if user enters a date in A1 then i
should calculate B1 plus 30 days. Then if user enters a date in C1, i
needs to compare the dates between C1 and B1 and if C1 is less than B
then it should calculate C1 plus 30 days (in other words if the date o
report was completed prior to the due date then a new one needs to b

Here is the formula I have now...again, I tried to change it up but thi
was my last one I tried using and it just gave me a False as a retur
statement. =IF(ISNUMBER(A1),(+B1+30)&IF(C1<B1,+C1+30,"")


ljuarez12 said:
A1 = Initial Date (Manually Entered)
B1 = Initial Due Date (Calculated via Formula

Presumably, B1 should be:


although I don't know what F1 has to do with it. But that can be simplified
as follows:


formatted as Date.

ljuarez12 said:
C1 = Date of Completed Report (Manually Entered)
D1 = Meeting Due Date = (Calculated via Formula)
F1 = Transfer Date (not really need for this sample)

Formula(s) for D1 should state, if user enters a date in A1 then it
should calculate B1 plus 30 days. Then if user enters a date in C1, it
needs to compare the dates between C1 and B1 and if C1 is less than B1
then it should calculate C1 plus 30 days

D1 should be:


formatted as Date.

Note that B1 is not a date if A1 is not a date (or F1 appears blank), so it
is not necessary to test A1 separately here.

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