Dim CTL as MSForms.Control always sets as Control/Combobox


Post Tenebras Lux

In the following code, I would like to be able to dim a listbox variable,
lboBox, and
then insert the following after the first loop line:
For Each CTL In frmSettings.Controls

If TypeOf CTL Is MSForms.ListBox Then
set lboBox = CTL
Elseif Typeof CTL is MSForms.Combobox then
set cboBox = CTL
end if

I can't figure out seems always (from the very beginning) Dimmed as a
combobox control, and therefore skips the first IF Then line EVEN when the
control is a ListBox.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

My problem code:

Private Sub InitializeIndicators(frmSettings As MSForms.UserForm)
On Error GoTo InitializeIndicators_Err

Dim cboBox As MSForms.ComboBox
Dim strboxName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim CTL As MSForms.Control

For Each CTL In frmSettings.Controls
If TypeOf CTL Is MSForms.ComboBox Then
If InStr(1, LCase(CTL.Name), LCase("lboIndicator")) Then
Set cboBox = CTL
Call FillListBox(cboBox, ListRows("lboIndicator"), 0)
ElseIf InStr(1, LCase(CTL.Name), LCase("lboPeriod")) Then
Set cboBox = CTL
Call FillListBox(cboBox, ListRows("lboPeriod"), 0)
ElseIf InStr(1, LCase(CTL.Name), LCase("lboOperator")) Then
Set cboBox = CTL
Call FillListBox(cboBox, ListRows("lboOperatorLeft"), 0)
ElseIf InStr(1, LCase(CTL.Name), LCase("lboOperator")) Then
Set cboBox = CTL
Call FillListBox(cboBox, ListRows("lboOperatorRight"), 1)
End If
End If

Set cboBox = Nothing
Exit Sub


Not 100% sure what you are after, as you mix terms: The function FillListBox
has arguments of cboBox and lboIndicator.

But something like this ?

Dim WorkingBox As MSForms.Control
Dim strboxName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim CTL As MSForms.Control

For Each CTL In frmSettings.Controls
If (TypeOf CTL Is MSForms.ComboBox) Or (TypeOf CTL Is
MSForms.ListBox) Then
Set WorkingBox=CTL
Call FillListBox(WorkingBox, ListRows("lboIndicator"), 0)


Post Tenebras Lux

Thanks. I think I worked it out. I also didn't realize that
ListRows("lboIndicator") is a function that returns a list (from an array)
that fills the combo or list box. The "lboIndicator" is used in an Instr
function to choose which set of data to put in the array. There are other
"OtherStrings" that return the same array, but filled with different data.

I don't really know what was wrong, but when I rebuilt the function
elsewhere in the code it worked fine. Same code. Go figure.

Appreciate the suggestion.

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