Dirty forms in Access 2003


Darren Fennell

I am having problems with the dirty form property in Access 2003.

I have a database originally written in Access 2000 that has an On_Dirty
event that enables a certain command button when changes are made to the
form. In Access 2000 this works fine when you either enter data manually
into the form or are values are set programmatically via VBA.

I am now porting the database over to Access 2003 and have started to run
into problems. Entering information manually into the form still triggers
the On_Dirty event but entering data programmatically still seems to set the
property to dirty (checked via the immediate window) but it does not trigger
the form event.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as the rest of the database
seems to work without problems.


Darren Fennell

Allen Browne

Darren, I don't have a solution for you, but I believe I have seen the same

As a workaround, could you explicitly call whatever code you need to run
after you dirty the form programmatically?

Darren Fennell

Yes, I could do this but it's not really the solution I was after as it does
not make for tidy coding.

Thanks for the help.


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