Display records in Microsoft OWC spread sheet in Classic ASP webcl


S. Sakthivel

I am using Microsoft office web component's spread sheet in my classic ASP
web application.

I have installed the Microsoft Web component (v10.0) in my web server and
the application displaying the records in resepective spreadsheet. If i am
access the same page from a remote client, it is not displaying both the
controls and data.

Here, Internet Explorer advising to install the Microsoft Web component in
client machine also.

Is it possible to execute the applicaton from a remote client without
installing the microsoft office web component using classic ASP?

S. Sakthivel

Alvin Bruney [ASP.NET MVP]

No, it's not possible. The browser is running on the desktop, the
spreadsheet is a client-side object not a server-side object. The browser
will look for the owc control on the client desktop to load the data, if it
is not found, the data cannot be displayed.

Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

[Shameless Author plug]
The O.W.C. Black Book, 2nd Edition
Exclusively on www.lulu.com/owc $19.99

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