Display status bar message from template in startup folder



I have created a template in my Word Startup folder that allows me to
remap the numpad decimal point to a comma (courtesy of the thread at
http://tinyurl.com/ogwsp). I have also created toolbar buttons to
assign and unassign on demand rather than on startup.

There is a part of the code in this module to put a message on the
status bar to notify the user that the numpad decimal has been
remapped. This works when I have the template open, but does not seem
to work when I have another document open. Also, I'm assuming i do not
need the ThisDocument.Saved = True line in there for it to work, but I
threw it in anyway since it was there. I'd like to get rid of it if I

My code, as taken from the above noted thread, is as follows:

Option Explicit

Sub AssignNumpadPeriodToComma()

CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate
KeyBindings.Add KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryMacro, _
KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyNumericDecimal), _
ThisDocument.Saved = True
StatusBar = "Custom key assignment loaded by MyKeys.dot " & _
"in the Word Startup folder."

End Sub

Sub TypeAComma()

Selection.TypeText ","

End Sub

Sub UnassignNumpadPeriodToComma()


End Sub


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