Displaying Excel Sheets Within Access 2003 Form



Is there a way for me to set up a "window" in a form into which I can load
(and, ideally, un-load) pre-existing Excel workbooks? Essentially, I'm going
to use the FileSystemObject to read all the files available in a given
folder, and the users will pick from a list box.

I want to display the workbook just as though it appears if you open it in
Excel (or conversely, how it would be displayed in MSIE if you opened a
spreadsheet on the Web). The users do not need to actually make changes to
the contents; I just want them to view the sheets.

I'm using Access 2003. I tried creating an "MS Office Spreadsheet" control
to the form, but I don't see a property or method that would allow me to load
a saved workbook. Is there another control more specific to MS Excel that I
can use?


George Nicholson

Maybe one of these will help or point you in a good direction:

Using OLE Objects (Microsoft Office 97 Visual Basic Programmer's Guide)

ACC2000: How to Programmatically Link or Embed an Object on a Form

Use images in your Access 2003 forms, reports, and controls

(sort-of-related & I thought it was cool:)
ACC2000: How to Display a Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow on an Access Form



Thanks George. That's a good start. One final question.

I want to only link - I want this to be merely a snapshot of the file.
However, in order to view the sheets at "actual" size, I need to set the
SizeMode to Clip. However, there doesn't seem to be a scrollbar. Any way to
add a scrollbar to that window?


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