Distribute COM addin manually (Not using setup wizard)


Stephen Corey

Is there a way to distribute a com addin (created with VB .NET 2003) for
outlook without using the setup wizard? I tried using regsvr32, but that
didn't seem to work. I need something I can stick in a login script, and
requires no user interaction whatsoever... Thanks!

Michael Cross

Is there a way to distribute a com addin (created with VB .NET 2003) for
outlook without using the setup wizard? I tried using regsvr32, but that
didn't seem to work. I need something I can stick in a login script, and
requires no user interaction whatsoever... Thanks!

Hello Stephan,

I think, there is a way but I didn't try it yet.

You have to do a lot of more settings than just use regsvr32. You have
to create a GUID for COM and register it. You have also register your
assembly with regasm and the option codebase. This is required, cause
you have to reference the path to your assembly in the GUID key.

Than do not forget the registry settings either in HKLM or HKCU

Please pay attention that your GUID in your source code has to be the
same GUID you register your add in into the registry.

I don't know if this is all cause I didn't try it yet.




Hi Stephen,

We've used this approach to distribute our word com addin
created using VS .NET 2003, think outlook should be

Use regasm.exe (installed with the framework) with
the /codebase and /regfile switches to create a registry
file which contains most of the necessary registry
entries to use the addin.

i.e. regasm /codebase /regfile:c:\register.reg myAddin.dll

The only other thing you'll have to do is append another
entry to this reg file:

"FriendlyName"="Your Product Name"
"Description"="Your Product Description"

Hope this helps,


Stephen Corey

When I run regasm with the parameters, I get:

RegAsm error: Signature of the body and declaration in a method
implementation do not match. Type: OutlookEmailTemplate.Connect. Assembly:
OutlookEmailTemplate, Version=1.0.1377.26573, Culture=neutral,

I've recreated the project and still get it. Even when I create a "blank"
addin project, I get this. How can I fix it? Thanks!

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