Distribution list addresses are wrong. How to send e-mail regardle


Laurie P

I have copied old addresses from various sources to a distibution list. My
e-mail to this group is rejected because some of the addreses are wrong (it's
a soccer club list). In other e-mail programs the e-mail would be sent and
those not delivered would be notified. I could then correct and amend the
distribution list accordingly. Outlook refuses to send the e-mail. I don't
know which addresses are wrong. How do I set outlook to send the e-mails
regardless of the fact that the addresses are incorrect? There must be a
setting to allow this to happen? Grateful for any assistance?

See error message below:
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by
the server. The rejected e-mail address was blah blah blah. Subject 'Blah
Blah United Soccer Club - e-mail housekeeping', Account: 'blah.blah.org.au',
Server: 'smtp.vic.blah.com.au', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '552 5.5.3
Too many recipients', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 552, Error
Number: 0x800CCC79


Your ISP may have a limit on bulk mailings to discourage spamming. Note the
comment in the error message that says "Server Response: '552 5.5.3 > Too many
recipients". Check with your ISP on this issue. If that's the case then
restructure your single DL into smaller multiples which can then be sent

Laurie P

Hello Wayfarrer

Thank you so much. I'll take it up with my ISP and see how I go.

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