Dlookup on continuous form


Aaron G

Hi all,

Access 03 - I have a continuous form that has an unbound field in each
record. I'm using Dlookup to find a value which is then used as part of a
calculation whose result is put into the unbound field. However, only one
calcuation is done and ALL of the unbound fields are identical when they
should each have their own calculation. What am I screwing up here?

Oh, the calculation is done in VB right after the Dlookup and is fired with
the OnLoad for the form.


Aaron G
Philadelphia, PA

Lynn Trapp

You aren't screwing anything up. A continuous form is actually a single form
that displays multiple instances for each record. An unbound field on a
continuous form will always display the same value for each record. You need
to bind it to a field in your table to get it to be unique for each record.

Lynn Trapp
MS Access MVP
Access Security: www.ltcomputerdesigns.com/Security.htm
Jeff Conrad's Access Junkie List:

Aaron G


Isn't storing a calculated field an Access sin? Isn't there anyway around

Aaron G
Philadelphia, PA

Lynn Trapp

Isn't storing a calculated field an Access sin? Isn't there anyway around

Yes it is a "sin" and that is just one of the downsides of a continuous
form. Any unbound field on a continuous form will show the same value for
all records. I wish I could make that different, but I can't.

Lynn Trapp
MS Access MVP
Access Security: www.ltcomputerdesigns.com/Security.htm
Jeff Conrad's Access Junkie List:

Aaron G


I just thought of the same thing and was coming back to post. Thanks for
all your help!

Aaron G
Philadelphia, PA

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