DSUM Basics



I am attempting to use DSUM in Excel 2003 and getting no results other than
#VALUE! errors. I cannot tell if this is because my Excel does not use the
DSUM function or if I am making some fundamental mistake in using the

The basic table is longer than the sample below:

Start WC Req Sum
0 0 0 Start
0 0 0 WC
0 0 0
0 4300 66.461
40021 4300 0.023 =dsum($a1:$b200,"Req",$a$2:$b$3)
40021 4300 0.054 =dsum($a1:$b200,"Req",$a$2:$b$3)
40035 4300 1.667 =dsum($a1:$b200,"Req",$a$2:$b$3)
40037 4300 0.25
40039 4300 0.023
40042 4300 0.25
40043 4300 3.947

What I wish to do is to sum up Req in the "Sum" column for any value that
matches "Start" and "WC" in that row. The formula should give a value of
0.077 for the first and second cells, 1.667 for the third, etc. but I get
only an error message. What am I doing wrong?

Luke M

for multiple criteria, its generally easier to use SUMPRODUCT. Placing this
formula somewhere in row 2:


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